Gotta minute?
Here is a glimpse into our Saturday Night. This is only a few of the photos that I had and have collected from you. I tried naming all memory! So excuse the mistakes. I also wanted to put captions on each slide, but that became very overwhelming at 12:30 a.m. So fill in the blanks. It is also making me nuts that it is not in order of the night....oh well! However, I have more in the works for patient!!!
I want to thank Robert Gunn for the brilliant graphic design for the program cover and Kathi for the program!!! Jean Ingram Hoover for the website shop for T-shirts and others stuff along with the name tags. Jean will be taking the website off of the Internet at the end of the month. If you want to shop for NHS reunion items click here. Susan for the name tages and the great cups (and for hanging on to them.) Jason Scarabin for the teary-eyed CD slide show. And Kathi and Susan for putting up with my fear that no one was going to show up. I am ready to help plan the next one if y'all will let me!!! Opps...I am forgetting Kenny, my husband, for going along for the ride! I believe he had a good time!!!!
Over the past year, I kept hearing from Kenny that high school was just a chapter in the book that was over. He kept on and on about it. I finally learned to ignore him. I think now he realizes that like most good classics, us reuniting was a chapter that was meant to be reread. And I would reread it again and again.............I enjoyed all of the characters.
Don't think this is the end of the blog!!! I still want your updates and photos and testaments of the reunion. Let's tell everyone what a great time we had!