Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going Back in History....NHS History

Let's go back in "history" to the end of our Jr. year..... A time where most all of us were trying to act like we were somebody (Or at least I was! I guess I shoud not speak for all of you.) It was at this time when Paul Gelpi came to NHS. I admire him for that. That could not have been an easy move!!??

Paul writes:

I guess a bit about me since high school is in order. After NHS I went to the University of New Orleans where I received my BA in history in 1991 and my MA in history in 1994. From there I went on to earn my Ph.D. in history from The University of Alabama and I am now an associate professor of history at Grambling State University. My wife, Jeannine, is class of '87 graduate of Mt. Carmel Academy (New Orleans) and we'll be married twelve years this December--we met at UNO in '91.

As I am unsure what else you'd like to know, I'll keep this brief. If you need me to fill in any details then I'll be happy to do so. We missed the ten year reunion, as we were living in Alabama at the time and our schedules didn't allow us the opportunity to attend. I am looking forward to the twenty-year one, though, and will mark it on my calender once you have a date set.



From being a student on the campus of NHS all the way to professor on the campus of GSU "Where Everybody is a Somebody".

I also always admired the male mind for its love of history and its capability to remember it. I enjoyed listening to the lectures in History class, but it was something about having to test on it that I could not do.....

My dad was killed in a car accident during my Summer sememster of taking Western Civ. My professor asked to see the obituary from the newspaper for proof that I was not telling a story. (How I wish...I was 24 and over making up stories to skip classes.) I remember him telling me "I don't want you to use the death of your dad as an excuse not to do well in the class." I wish that was my excuse. I guess he did not realize that I truly stunk in History. Well....that kind of History.
Thank you to all who have been helping make this blog worth reading each day :-) It would not be without you.
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