Saturday, June 03, 2006

"Don't You Forget About Me"

I struggled for what to write for this post. The picture is so funny to makes me think that it could be the DVD jacket cover for our own version of the movie "The Breakfast Club".

On the other hand, as I notice one of the faces, it makes me sad that we have lost one of our classmates, Mike Paulson. Then, when I took a minute to remember his kind soul, the picture made me smile again. I am sure we all have our fond memories of him. I know I do having gone to school with him since the third grade....the third grade was so long ago. Let's not forget about him. I hope we can celebrate and remember his spirit through out the next year as we celebrate and remember our class of 1987.

If you have forgotten any of the faces: Back row: Robert Sciacca, Mike Paulson, Rob Posegay, Gloria Foster, Middle: Chrissy Moore, Shawnna Ryder, Kelly Cartwright, Front row: Camilla Caron, Shelly Meadows, Beth Pichon, and last but not least...."Don't You Forget About ME".


Blogger Tiffanee Goins Noack said...

Hi Rami,
I just looked at this picture and remembered Camilla. I graduated from Slidell in 87 and have lost contact with most of my classmates. So I started a blog. If you can, give Camilla my info...would love to hear from her. I went to Boyett my 5th grade year so I remember alot of you guys from Northshore!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006 10:35:00 AM  

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