"Don't You Forget About Me"
On the other hand, as I notice one of the faces, it makes me sad that we have lost one of our classmates, Mike Paulson. Then, when I took a minute to remember his kind soul, the picture made me smile again. I am sure we all have our fond memories of him. I know I do having gone to school with him since the third grade....the third grade was so long ago. Let's not forget about him. I hope we can celebrate and remember his spirit through out the next year as we celebrate and remember our class of 1987.
If you have forgotten any of the faces: Back row: Robert Sciacca, Mike Paulson, Rob Posegay, Gloria Foster, Middle: Chrissy Moore, Shawnna Ryder, Kelly Cartwright, Front row: Camilla Caron, Shelly Meadows, Beth Pichon, and last but not least...."Don't You Forget About ME".
Hi Rami,
I just looked at this picture and remembered Camilla. I graduated from Slidell in 87 and have lost contact with most of my classmates. So I started a blog. If you can, give Camilla my info...would love to hear from her. I went to Boyett my 5th grade year so I remember alot of you guys from Northshore!!!
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